The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Right after graduation, I moved to San Francisco to start my career in advertising. Fast forwarding 28 years, I now run my own healthcare-focused advertising agency in S.F. known as Kane & Finkel Healthcare Communications (K&F). We specialize in promoting pharmaceutical drugs, biologicals, medical devices and diagnostics. K&F is the largest independently-owned healthcare agency on the west coast and is ranked among the top 20 healthcare ad agencies in the U.S. I am also on the board of directors for the Healthcare Communications and Marketing Association. In addition, I am a copywriting instructor at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. I have fond memories of Penn State. Special thanks to my copywriting instructor who was particularly influential by encouraging me to pursue my professional dreams. While attending college, I helped support myself by playing in a local bar band known as DOA. We covered Grateful Dead, Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin and classic bands from Haight-Ashbury. Life was so much simpler then!